The Adorno Fathers – CRM started their mission in India in 1993. First house was opened at Mallikassery in the diocese of Palai called ‘Adorno Ashram’. Rev. Fr. Mario Salon, then Superior General and General Council decided to begin communities in India. Rev. Fr. John Paul a zealous and dedicated missionary was the first superior and he guided the community until 2009. Many young men joined the Order since its foundation and the Order flourished and continue to grow. At present we have four houses in India which belong to Santhom Indo-German Delegation. And the Central house is Adorno Bhavan, Bangalore. With the superior of the delegation and his councilors, the Order under their guidance we are on the path of growth.
Clerics Regular Minor, Santhom Indo-German Delegation Adorno Bhavan, T.C. Palya, K.R. Puram, P.O. Bengaluru, Karnataka, India -560036
Santhom Indo-German Delegation Adorno Bhavan, T.C. Palya, K.R. Puram, P.O. Bengaluru, Karnataka, India -560036
Phone: 9745638459
Email: Mail us