
The Foundress of Deen Bandhu Samaj, Mother Mary Tresa Kottarathil, was a member of the congregation of the Catechist Sisters of St. Ann, Hyderabad, Telengana state. She joined the congregation of the Catechist Sisters of St. Ann on 2nd July 1955. Edified with her disciplined, devoted and dedicated life, she was appointed as assistant to the novice mistress in the novitiate house immediately after her first profession. In 1966 she was appointed as novice mistress and then elected as general finance councilor for 6 years in 1972. She and few other members were inspired to live a more austere and true missionary life united to the will of God, serving the poor, giving the Good News to them and quenches the thirst of Jesus for the souls.

We being inspired by the Spirit of Jesus adopt the name DEEN BANDHU SAMAJ for our Congregation. We choose this name because;

  • It expresses the original inspiration from Jesus, whom we try to imitate imbibing his spirit. He was always in compassion with the hungry and the suffering, the poor and the oppressed, the ignorant and the sinful (Lk.4:18-19).
  • Jesus had a very special love and concern for the poor and he was rightly called the friend of the poor- Deen Bandhu. Hence our community is called Deen Bandhu Samaj which means community of the friends of the poor.
  • “Bastar, where the Divine Providence directed us to start our community, is a place of poor people, a backward area with a weak section of mankind. Hence if we are not their friends we have no friends.” (Bishop Paulinus)   


Deen Bandhu Kuteer, Koppaguda Markel P.O. Bastar Dt, Chhattisgarh

Koppaguda Markel P.O. Bastar Dt, Chhattisgarh
Phone: 09425590240
Email: Mail us

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